Spring shackle bushing assembly left front right rear -802061

Price: $39.00
In stock
PM PAT'D markeddrop forged and heat treated per original

spring shackle bushing ass'y, used on left front and right rear leaf springs
(boxes are marked for proper location), 2 required

NOTE: shackle ass'y 802061 has 1 left hand thread bushing and 1 right hand thread bushing,
install the left hand thread bushing into leaf spring eye, install the right hand thread bushing
into frame bracket A544. 

Note:required per jeep
2 ea 802062
2 ea 802061

alt text, spring mount, WO802061, A514, A513,A8255, A8256,A500, A544, 384228, 359039, 802061, 802062, A612, A614
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